Monday, February 12, 2007

The brain is a feedback machine

The brain, is a feedback machine. We can break it just as easily, if we entered inputs that the brain was not supposed to handle. This means that we can break minds just by creating extreme sensations, not just pain, but pleasure. That I believe, covers the breaking of minds using torture and drugs. Now, there are two ways to counteract this problem. One is to make the mind dampen down on extreme pain or pleasure. While this might be good in the short run, it is not viable in the long run. Loss of pain or pleasure means a loss of sensation in general. Therefore, in the long run, the person's feedback of reflexes and actions would be slower than those that have not dampened down.

The other method is to make the brain used to the pain or pleasure so that the range of pain or pleasure a mind could take is increased. It will still retain sense of the pain or pleasure, but the brain will not shut down automatically. However, this means a long training process, which may not be viable.

The brain is a mighty fragile thing.
I think any world, anything that exists follow a set of rules. Yes, the rules may change, but there will always be a set of rules. Every situation will have certain rules. The point is that as long as you can figure out the rules, and the way to change it, you'll win. There is not a thing in the universe that is made entirely out of chaos and chance. If it did, it wouldn't exist for very long.

Anyways, I don't know what I'm writing. Only that these ideas seem interesting somehow. Yes, I know I haven't posted for a while, but I just haven't felt like it lately.

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