Monday, October 31, 2005

Sorry...its been two weeks

Well, time flows really quickly hasn't it. For now, I haven't done anything besides working, eating and then gaming WoW. It's pretty much taken all of my time trying to finish it. Finally, I can start playing with Jack and Alan since I've reached level 59. Maybe I'll slow down my playing soon. But I did say that I'll play this term and this term only and no more. So it is said, so it will stay.

As for new developments, my life is pretty damn boring. Let's see....there was those two dinners on fridays with Ammon, Alan and I going to a chinese restaurant and there's that thai/viet place. There's also the looking over resumes over next term hires. That was pretty cool. There was also MOT and the Halloween party that was pretty interesting. Well, not really, but it was good to be part of people again. Rather than just sitting at home. I guess.

Well more on those events later. It's 2am and I should be going to sleep. Well 2am if daylight savings time didn't occur.

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