Friday, October 12, 2007

Visited my relatives in Stanley.

No phone call from Lisha means that I'm by myself today. Unfortunately, Jenny is busy with midterms and Colleen has school. That leaves me with not much to do. Been reading Video Demystified to get a head start for work. Then called my uncle in Stanley.

While visiting Stanley, talked with an old man who turned out to be a British pilot. He's certainly lived a long life, being with Cathay Pacific, Lanka Air and other long haul freight pilot. He's living somewhere in the pyranees right now, but he wants to move back to HK. After selling his flat in HK due to some advice from a friend, he's looking to buy another place to live out the rest of his life. I don't like HK as much as he does. It's a great place to visit, but not as a place to live.

First off, HK has grueling work hours, and lower pay. Granted, they have little to no taxes, but the corresponding salary is also lower. They just don't value human talent as much as North America because workers are cheap here. If all else fails, they can get workers from the mainland.

There's too many people. Always a lot of shoving, pushing and slow walking. Nothing you can do about it either. And with anonymity, normal nice people become assholes very quickly.

And the stress! Everyone seems so high strung at times, and yet they can sit on a minibus for 15 minutes and do nothing. They just sit and wait. Maybe they're used to the futility. I don't know.

Visiting my relatives was fun. Had dinner, and talked with my cousins. One's a struggling manga artist while another is in grade 11. He's doing microeconomic stuff that's basically out of the 1st year university curriculum. It's surprising how much they're taught, and yet, they're considered second class if they ever try to make it to North America. I don't know why.

Went to LKF to check out the carnival thing. Lots of drinking it seems and not much else. Took some great photos though. One in particular is a gem. I'll post it when I get back.

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