Sunday, September 25, 2005

An observation

I was reading a story the other day, between playing WoW and chatting. It's a very good story, somewhat like 48 chapters. It was a sequel of another story, which I also enjoyed. I could not sleep without finishing it. Anyways, this story brings into mind about what it is about engineers that turns girls off: the lack of status.

Look at it this way. An engineer by himself is useless. He is a part of a giant machine that does incredible things, but by himself, he is useless. This too can be said about many other people. Scientists, marketing, you name it. However, most other people are not defined by the work they do. Engineers however, have an over-sensitive pride that puts them into that position of boasting of being a part of the giant cog in the machine. Females do not find this attractive. Instead, it turns them off because it relates the engineer into a position of being the submissive and not the dominant.

Of course, this is pure conjecture, because I can not experimentally verify this observation. However, people can send their opinions to me.

Likewise, notice how girls love to hang around rock stars? They are icons, images of status shining bright. Yet, likewise, the band geek suffers. They play the same music. If not the band geek, then the chorus boy. These unfair labels are applied quite readily. The main seperation is that the latter people are defined as labels that places them as part of a group, as a submissive, rather than a dominant like the rock star.

What does this have to do with anything? Nothing really. But after playing the whole day away and reading interesting stories, you got to have something to show for it.

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