Saturday, April 15, 2006

Fourteen Days.

Well, a short period of hell is over. And now we have a rest.

What am I doing to relax? I have no clue. It's been a while since I've last done so. Last time was probably just after midterms with no labs or anything. I started to play DOTA (Warcraft 3 for all you uninitiated) and I got bored. I started watching Scrubs and House and I got bored. I don't feel like working or relaxing it seems. Reading a book seems to be very unmotivating for me. Writing seems to be out of reach. I don't know. It seems like everything's a bland stale color and I don't feel like doing anything. Darren and Allen are back in TO (Darrick's still here, but I think he wants to catch up on sleep). Most people are either already studying for the last exam (ECE 318) or in TO. Kenny and Jian went back to Ottawa. I just don't feel like doing anything.

Sigh. I need motivation. I need it badly. But I also need a damn good reason to tell myself to get off my lazy ass. Nothing is easy in this world is it. I'm in the mood to try something new, but something that's not too effort-intensive.

So I decided to check facebook and see what's up. It is a very good procrastination tool. Use it wisely.

So anyways, something I've thought about for the last while. What exactly are we doing? Life is such a rat race it seems that I wonder about what we're trying to do. After a discussion with someone (a person I knew (apparently) in HS, I don't remember. but seems pleasant enough) on facebook about religion and God, I think I have come to the conclusion that I may believe in a higher power, but Christianity is not it. Right...moving on.

As well as the meaning to higher powers, I have recently thought about what our goals will be in life. Well, I don't necessarily have a goal. This kind of makes me envy those that do. Right now, I can't even imagine what my life would be in 5 years. Yes, I've used this prediction system before, at the end of High school, imagining what university would be like. So far, it hasn't turned out exactly like it should be, but I suppose it could be a lot worse. Well, so far, life hasn't been a complete diaster, so that's good. But I suppose I should plan on what I should do after I finish my undergrad. Luck demands it.

But I just don't know, what exactly am I looking for out of life? Biological success? Romantic success? Materialistic success? Ugh. Am I looking for success at all? After all, success means you're growing up. Failure means you can stay a child. I wonder if this is psychological. Joe's suggested I take a chance because I really have nothing to lose. It's true, looking at it that way.

It may very well just be an infatuation. It's like this blandness of life has spread even to feelings. But if you think about it, it could just be lack of contact. I mean, out of sight, out of mind? Heh, what exactly am I looking for anyways? I guess until I can figure that out, there's really no point.

Oh, and I found Kyla on Facebook. I haven't seen her in years!

And Darren, why are 4 girls and 2 guys posed in front of the Stag Shop in a picture? Why is one of them you? Are you doing something you're not telling the rest of us? Dang...GJ GJ GJ.
Battle of ECE 380. Technical Victory.
Battle of ANTH 102. Technical Victory.
Battle of ECE 332. Decisive Victory.
Battle of ECE 362. Strategic Retreat.
Battle of ECE 318. Undecided.

We'll see the last battle of the war soon. Guess I should go prepare.

I'm really bored. Sigh.

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