Thursday, February 07, 2008

It's if its bursting out from me because it has nowhere else to go.

I'm going to make some decisions.

No matter how irrational they are.

I think in a way, my imagination trumps my good sense. Or my idealistic romantic side takes over my realistic side. We know not what the future holds, yet we're wildly optimistic. I don't know what it is that inspires such hope. I wonder if it's a support mechanism....


That's not what I want to talk about. I'm getting distracted again. I think it's because I'm listening to Loveholic's "Sky". It's a Korean rock band that actually sounds pretty damn good.

Well. I don't know what it is that I want to do. I sometimes wonder if I want a ready made path. And then other times, I wonder if there's more information for me to absorb in easy bite sized pieces.

This is truly random.


Life's like that huh.

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