Sunday, February 03, 2008

WInterlicious and Party

Yesterday, went to Winterlicious with Darren. Problem started on thursday, when the other two guests dropped out because of awkwardness or something. So it was basically 2 guys at Globe Bistro. It wasn't bad, but I didn't think it was that good. It is pretty much a taster menu, and while some of the foams and sauces were tasty, it really wasn't that great. The main course was a rabbit stew like thing. While the outer saucy part was good. The preparation left the inside of the meat bland. It was like old stewed pork in chinese cooking. There was no taste to it. Likewise, the desert was blah. Banana cake.

Anyways, afterwards went to this party hosted by Terry, who I haven't seen for a while. Lots of people at this party. Lots of drinking. Poker. Won 15 bucks actually. It was a cash game. Saw Elizabeth, whom I haven't seen for a while. Carter was there. Some other people that I saw once beforehand at Carter's party. Interesting group.

Lots of people there seemed kind of committed to some sort of goal. Some were going to animation school, while others were doing IT work. Yet others just want to party. Was talking to Crystal, this girl that wants to go to university for business, then start her own company or restaurant or something. Why is it that I'm attracted to those that are either quite a bit younger than me or older than me? I think its because the university years make them open to the idea of lots of possibilities, but unable to act on them. When you're young, you have dreams. When you're older, you have goals. But in between, the process of converting dreams to goals make the girls appear aimless.

Overanalyzing again? Who knows =p.


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