Sunday, January 25, 2009


I make no pretense that I am a self-centered individual. Everyone is self-centered to an extent. After all, our very relationship with other people is based on the needs of your self. Maybe they don't admit it. Whether it is a need for status, security, material gain or something less defined..........I guess I'm rationalizing.

I don't know what to think anymore. I'm soon turning 25. Quarter century crisis indeed.

I don't know what to do or what I want.

This is just me ranting now. =/

TFSA application on questtrade still not done because I'm still looking at the review. It isn't looking that great right now.

And I am annoyed at the bastard that dented my car and killed my tail light while I was parked. Ugh. You cost me 300 dollars.

I should do a panorama of Western TO by the hill next to Joe's house at sunset.

Bought a jacket at Tristan. Looks nice.

Oh well, back to SC studying. English is tricky.

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