Wednesday, January 04, 2006

New School Term

Today is the beginning of the new school term. And I can't seem to fall asleep for some reason. I'm just going to do communications homework I guess.

And the no game ban until weekend is now in effect.

Sigh. Sometimes I look back and wonder how much I spent on video games. I guess our entire society is based on the fact that we strive to distract ourselves from how little our lives mean.

Here's a little exercise. Try to visualize the person you are 'chasing'. Can you visualize? Apparently, I can do it 50% of the time. That I guess is good. But I wonder if I'm prizing the goal more than the journey. Or what it represents. According to ANTH 102 (I started reading ahead!), its like it was something done to accomplish in order to go into the next age bracket. I doubt it is that simple because I can't seem to get her out of my mind (unless I'm distracted like mad, ie. gaming).

Anyways. Eating frosted flakes right now. Delicious at 3:00 in the morning. Going to do Communications HW and see if I can sleep.

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