Tuesday, March 04, 2008

I guess I don't post often enough when I should

So nothing much has changed. Life goes on.

My job has gotten a lot more hectic. Another person is leaving, causing his workload to add to mine. When I started, I started with 2 blocks to test. Then because the tests weren't going fast enough, it became 4 blocks to test. Now, with this recent increase, it will go to 7. And I'm still being paid as a junior engineer. I wonder if I'd get a promotion any time soon? Probably not =/.

I just impulsively bought a laptop. A T61p Thinkpad with a Penryn processor. Should last me a couple of years. That's my b-day gift to myself. So that's all good. My Wii also now has 4 controllers and I'm going to get a real copy of smash brothers brawl soon. Since my reason of buying a wii was to play SSBB, this is good.

As for the other front, I'm not going anywhere. She's off to her vacation, and I don't think I'm making headway. We're friends. So nothing more than that would develop I think. Oh well, still good to make friends.

Went into Waterloo on friday. Left work early because there was a huge snowstorm. Now, going to Waterloo is normally an hour affair, since it is only 125 km away. When I left work at 4:30, I fully expected to be there at 6:30, so I could play badminton.

It took me till 9 oclock before I entered the municipality of Waterloo.

That's three and a half hours (since I left TO at 5:30). With rush hour traffic and the snowstorm, the highway was at a standstill. At times, I was going not much more than 20 km/h.

That's not all of it of course. I'm a notoriously bad driver. I have already crashed twice into snowbanks and every time I came out unscathed. This time, with the speed I was going, there was almost no way I'd do anything rash....or so I thought.

Well, this time, I think someone was having their private joke. It wasn't until I got off 401 and onto highway 85 ( the final stretch into Kitchener) that my car lost control. I was driving at 100 km/h, when it caught on some snow. It was four fifth of the destination before I lost control.

I'm surprised I'm not horribly injured, or worse, dead. I guess I can credit it to quick reflexes, and gaming, I guess. I did a 270 degree turn across three lanes, from the fastest lane, to the shoulder on the side of the slowest lane. I was REALLY lucky, that there was only two cars heading towards me. They were travelling at 70km/h and one avoided me. The second one was very close to hitting me, but I braked to skid in time so that I just missed her. I was also no more than half a meter from the wall that was on the side of the shoulder. After I got over my initial shock, I had to breathe out deeply. Then I went on my merry way.

I wonder if this was supposed to tell me something or make me learn? I don't really know. All I know is that I didn't really feel that bad. I was shocked, but I was kind of accepting of it. It's not like I was scared. Maybe it was how light the sky was. I really don't know, but I was calm.

Anyways, Waterloo was a blast. Met Yannick, who's a decent guy. Played badminton. Had good food. Met up with FJ, Liang, and Wen. All of which is good stuff. So it was a decent weekend. And I got Smash Brothers Brawl working now. So everything is good.

I guess, for now though, time is at a standstill. I don't know when my frozen clock will start ticking again, but tick it will. Our lives are not that long after all.


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