Saturday, March 25, 2006

The mundane and the mystical

Well. I wasted an entire day. Let see though. 2 labs due. 2 more labs due. 2 presentations to critique and a FYDP presentation to create. Definately not impossible, but definately not that fun. Add to that homework and the like and you wonder why I'm still unmotivated.

Sometimes people in general piss me off. They complain incessantly about things that doesn't make sense. I complain, but at least I usually have cause. The arguments that some people make just doesn't make sense to me. And they annoy me to no end.

I guess I may be a hypocrite in this area. Sigh.

I find it amusing that I feel so much Angst now. Most people feel this indecision and this lost sense of direction in puberty and in high school. Most people by now know what they want to do and set out to do it. I find myself lost and without a direction. It's kind of sad in a way.

Searching through wikipedia randomly is always fun. Today's topic is soulmates. I particularly like the theory about twin flames. That there is only one true soulmate in the world. Someone also wrote that the danger is not in finding your soulmate, but rather accepting your soulmate for who he/she is. Of course, this theory might be so special to me because of my desire to be someone special in someone's eyes, and my desire to have somebody be a special someone to me.

See, if you are special and unique to somebody and vice versa, it can be used as a justification to your existence, or a reason of why you are here. I know, this theory is perhaps very selfish in what it does, but doesn't everyone want to be special to somebody? I find it hard to believe that people are so narcissistic that they can only love themselves. If they are so narcissistic that they can only love themselves, it's like a rat race. No matter how hard they try, it is ultimately pointless.

But the danger of the twin flame theory...what happens if you meet your twin flame and not know it. You like them drift by, like two ships parting in the sea. A slight glance, a significant can you tell? No signs from above unfortunately. And is it our life goal to search for this person? What if luck and chance was not on your side?

Society and technological progress. What is it's purpose?

It is to reduce random chance and allow us to control probability to a certain extent.

Is our lives better because of technology? Not really. According to anthropology, hunter-gatherer societies work a total of 23 hours a week, whereas we work almost 40. Their lives are more rich, culturally and socially. Yet, with our technology, we have less famines, less chance to starve to death. But we die more from lifestyle choices and pollution and car crashes and etc. When someone gets a disease in a hunter-gatherer, it's mostly up to luck to save them. When we get a disease, its mostly up to luck to hope we have a easily treatable disease. If not, we can still switch out organs, but that's still up in the air because that may fail. All our society and technology has accomplished is rounding off probability for those that know how to abuse the system. For others, it means longer hours without any gain.

So technology just means more people, a increase in chance, a decrease in probability, a decrease in luck and a decrease in fate and a decrease in destiny. No wonder our lives are so boring. It is because of our technology and society that star-crossed lovers no longer occur. Too bad =/.

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