Thursday, March 16, 2006

To covet what we do not have.

I think it is human nature that we want what we do not have. And having it, lose interest in it just as quickly. I think that may be my feelings towards everything. You know what then? This life is now officially pointless. We strive for things that we don't really want, and yearn for things we don't really need.

I think what I lack the most, is memory. That may be why I don't care for many things. After all, if memory is the only measure of the fact that you strived for something or that you want something, a lack of memory would mean that whatever you strive for would be forgotten by the time you achieve it.

I don't know what I'm saying. I'm still kind of sick.

So what exactly am I griping about?

The fact that life almost never goes according to plan. I mean, seriously, what the hell was I thinking when I went into Engineering. But then again, what would I have gone into if it wasn't Engineering. I don't exactly what I want in life. Every post previous to this? Probably nonsense. I don't know, with any certainty, of what I want to do with my life. I envy those that know what they want to do with their lives, or those who know who they want to spend their life with, those that know the reason for life, or those that have a general plan for their lives. What, who, why and how. The when and where, that's up to fate.

I don't know why I'm unsatisfied with life. I can't seem to pinpoint a reason. And the next person that mentions that this is because of a lack of religion, religion is to me, a crutch. It does not explain away anything besides serving as a distraction, like video games, stories and what not.

I think I'm too easy distracted. This entire post is fragmented. Information and truth is pure. Maybe I should dedicate my life towards that?

I don't know. I just don't know.

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